При описании античных монет использованы следующие каталоги:
- GC I - David R. Sear. Greek Coins and Their Values. Volume I. Europe. SPINK 2006
- GC II - David R. Sear. Greek Coins and Their Values. Volume II. Asia and Africa. SPINK 2006
- GIC - David R. Sear. Greek Imperial Coins and their values. The Lokal Coinages of the Roman Empire. SPINK 2006
- RC I - David R. Sear. Roman Coins and Their Values.The Millennium Editions.Volume I. The Republic and The Twelve Caesars 280bc-ad96. SPINK London 2000
- RC II - David R. Sear. Roman Coins and Their Values. Volume II. The Accession of Nerva to the overthrow of the Severan dynasty ad 96-ad235. SPINK London 2002
- RC III - David R. Sear. Roman Coins and Their Values. Volume III. The 3rd century crisis and recovery ad 235-285. SPINK London 2005
- Sear R - David R. Sear: Roman Coins and their Values. London 1994.
- Sear B - David R. Sear: Byzantine Coins and their Values. London 2000.
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